- Uppgifter
- Skriven av Super User
- Träffar: 18509

I started early to try to get images and even video streams on the net. All my pictures was made with a old video camera The digital camera did not exsist yet.On Yahoo/Geocities i could stream my first performance. It was kind of cool. I made it in my living room.
Performance ART

Anna the true story.
Anna started out as a few pictures i needed for a painting. As i added more pictures i decided to do a project about here. Then the work expanded into video and performance.
Shes a cyber personality and pretty much live her life as she wants too on the web. I have tried to figure out what art can look like on the web. Maybe this is it. One way to work.
I enjoy Anna i hope you do too.
Basic facts.
- My cybername is Anna
- I live in Sweden
- Next to Copenhagen.
- I am an artist. A painter.
- I do work with photography and other art forms.
- Anna is my ongoing web project
- i enjoy it very much.
- So i am a performer for you.