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- Skriven av Super User
- Träffar: 19873

I have made some software that created 3D citys from a random seed and new graphics cards and computers really started a revolution in gaming and virtual worlds.
I have always been a gamer. I wrote my first game on a Lambda 16. Z80 processor, 16k ram and a rubber keyboard that said pip everytime you pressed a key.
I love games and i always have. But i was not prepaird for the very new. Virtual worlds and Second life. It just blew me away completly. After my first half hour in Second life I had a account, some land and i lived more in SL the first year than in real life. I partyed ,created and made friends. It was great.
I am still in Second life and i am still creating stuff. If you want to know more you can check out my virtual game company at http://www.annalorentzson.com .
I make exhibitions in my gallery and more people or avatars see my work now than in real life.
I enjoy the creativ side of the new web 2.o and i am staying.