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- Träffar: 32384

I am a artist trying to expand my work into the digital world. A story about world building in different metaverse. The general idea is to use mature technology as game graphics and software to expand its usefulness into the art world. Transforming tech to art. Making games and simulations into a carrier for different artworks and virtual architecture.
I spend a lot of time in the virtual world Second life. I do art, construct stuff and take a lot of photographs. Many many more hours than i really should. This web site is all about giving you some extra information about the projects i am doing in SL and in RL.
In my studio.
I have several studios that I am working in.
I have a media studio where I work with computers, video, pictures and the web and I have a traditional studio for painting and sculpture in the old stable. I also have a printing and traditional darkroom in the basement where I seldom go. But its there if I want to use it. I am very fortunate to be able to work all the time.
My Second life!
I have a studio in Second life to in Sverige SLURL:. And i also travel and explore taking a lot of pictures.
I have done several ads and logos for Second life company´s. Virtual worlds like the real world gives me a lot of photo opportunities.
Second life also makes it possible to create art, never seen before. Today I see more art in SL than in real life. And there are a lot of it.
Digital artworks
I have experimented with animations, java script and sound on the web. I do all the animations with me as the actor, director and composer.
I often use ordinary HTML but sometimes I use flash or actually have to sit down and do some programming.
I have worked with computers for many years now and I find that they are one of the most creative tools you can use. And there is a big sea a free software to use. I have also been so lucky that I sometimes inherit old hardware from a few very nice company´s that sometimes help me.
My work as an artist range from paintings, photography, and graphics to work in Software art and virtual worlds.
I am lucky to live in a age with a technology that I understand and love. As you maybe understand working with all this takes up a many many hours of my day.
Sometimes it´s to much and family, friends and animals gets left on a side line as I run into a new inspiring project.
But as always, The work continues