Place to visit.
Tomorrow Avatarfest starts. I have a exhibition and i will try to be around as much as i can. hypergrid: Tomorrow i will do new uploads of 2worlds city and the airport OAR:s. Some new uploads and making them work together. Bridges. There will also be a new OAR called Paradise but it is a big sandbox or whatever you want it to be. It fits with the other islands. looking forward to a party on the grid.
Avatarfest on the hypergrid. Do not look like there going to be a conference this year so lets party insteed.
Happy about the new solution for the blog as I have had it for such a long time. The reason for moving is that I just do not think that Google should use my name in all their apps.
It is not a anonymous thing. Cyber is totally connected to my real name anyway but in RL I am the fine artist Anna and Cyber is the CEO of my game company and also the explorer of virtual worlds and the net. There is a difference and I think that should be my choice.
Yes you can use any name you want on Google+ but it was surprisingly difficult to change it to my avatar form. And I could suddenly not use Blogger with all functions. I was working for 2 days with it then gave it up.
It is not a big deal I run a lot of websites so this is a good solution. Always wanted to use Wordpress again and I can see that security is beefed up these days.
So welcome to my old blog.
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