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- Written by: Anna Lorentzson
- Hits: 31303
Today I was doing my usual flights. Morning from ESSV to ESSB and afternoon back again.
This morning FS9 crashed to desktop twice. So I did a hunt for bugs and it seems that the flight computer on my Flight1 ATR-72 crash FS on Win 7.
So I decided to do the afternoon flight without the FMC and as the ATR-72 have no GPS it would be some real flying.
I filed my flight plan and went to work. But when I logged in to VATSIM I saw that I was going to fly in controlled airspace for the first time. Not really prepared for that.
It is just to do it and it went so and so but I learned a lot. As I have FSinn on a second computer and I did not get voice to work there was a lot moving around in the cockpit. Fortunately not much traffic so I did get a lot of help from ATC. Happy about that. It is not that easy with all the software. I can do the flying but the rest is new to me. It is totally different from the automatic ATC in FS. But more fun.
And FS did not crash. And I got a voice to work in the end so next time I hope for better flying.