- Details
- Written by: Anna Lorentzson
- Hits: 23515
I love these very dark and very well made pictures. SL really have it´s own type of art and photographers.
It is just great work.
Visit the gallery.
The Flickr stream
Why have a mag if you cant promote stuff.
Textures as art at the Nilsart gallery.
And you can get more info on the homepage.
You also find a link to the exhibition here.
It just started out with me wanting here to slowly look in to the camera and I wanted a face that was different and not to symmetric. Really a simple job but when you get hooked on something you really just keep on going.
I think that’s what creativity is. Continue to work until you find some kind of hook or something to work on. Now I have a lot of material. Develop it further or stop?
Move on to something else or this could be the thing.
It is funny how a very small thing can lead in new directions. It is what gets me up in the morning. Not knowing what's next.
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