I wanted to write some software again but not until now i found a new project.
When i do some tower controlling on IVAO i use several different website and the Ivac software. Scratch pad on paper and several other documents just to get the planes in the air. And as Ivac 2.0 still is some time away i thought it would be nice to have a tool i can use so i do not have to use a lot of other stuff.
And this is my early alfa and it works but there are still a lot of functions and debugging to do.
I have tried to contact the IVAO software team and logostics but so far i have heard nothing so i am doing some experiments with Navigraph data and some other data i got from the net.
The Specs so far is.
The software pulls the active nordic planes from the net and create a strip window as the one above.
When you click on a strip it gives you a text in a other window with the clearence to read to the pilot.
At the moment you get callsign, airline, The airport and city. (i hate when i have to say "to your destination insteed of the place the pilot fly to), and the squawk.
I want to try to let the software figure out departure and QNH and so the clearence is complete.
If you push the airline icon in this window the activity as pushback or taxi will update on the flight strip.
Next here is when you push the strip again you get the next thing to read to the pilot so you always have some support for your memory and thats a good thing when you are a newbie.
I am not planning for the software to connect to Ivac as there is a totally new client coming. When its coming?
I thought this could be a nice project meanwhile.
Thye work continues.